Sept. 17 WiTH Webinar Dives into Complexities of ‘Return to Work’

Slowly but surely, businesses in every industry are calling employees back into the office, at least part of the time. But with this return to the workplace comes a minefield of unanswered questions: what can employers legally ask of employees? What are the technological and logistical problems that could arise? And do employers really need as much office space as they used pre-pandemic?

At the Sept. 17 Women in Technology Hollywood (WiTH) Connection Corner webinar “Getting Back to Work,” a host of experts from multiple industries — including media and entertainment, legal, healthcare and technology — will come together to discuss all the complexities behind asking your workers back to the office.

The frank discussion is timelier than at any point in the pandemic, particularly if the latest COVID-19 variants cause employers to push back their plans from September to later in the year.

Attendees will hear from Thomas A. Lenz, partner and labor and employment law expert with the California law firm Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo; Anne-Marie Canter, chief human resources officer entertainment technology company X2X; Jeff Zeitz, SVP of business technology and workplace solutions at WarnerMedia; and Morgan Insua, director of IT infrastructure at Pharmavite.

To register for the noon PT webinar, click here.